After I began my search, I found this post by Jennifer of Comments From the Peanut Free Gallery, which has a great list of products geared toward individuals with food allergies. I especially liked these EpiPen Carriers from Allergy Haven, but decided thirty dollars is too much too spend on a glorified pencil case.
Then I went to Walmart with The Kid this week and found myself in the middle of a back to school sale. There were several large displays of pencil cases and the light bulb finally went off over my head. Since I had the EpiPens with me, I was able to check that the cases were the right size. I found ones with webbing that looked like they could have a belt run through them for my husband's sake. They cost $1.68. I bought two of them. If you need a new home for your Epipens, the school supplies at stores in your area are worth checking out, especially if you have an allergic girl who likes multi-colored butterflies, hearts, or polka dots.

Here's the bag in its new home hanging on the key rack by the front door.

Great idea on the pencil case. I just recently switched to a homemade case but I wish I would've thought of the pencil case first :)
What kind of Benadryl is that? Currently we have a bottle but it leaks like crazy.
My son (8) carries is own epis around in a small leather fanny pack. He has since he was five and first started school. It has worked really well for us.
Great blog!
I love your blog!! You have some great recipies and ideas. I am going to add you to my blog list, and it would be great if you could add me too.
I love your photo of the epi's in the ziplock bag...... I have been known to use ziplock bags for everything!!
Man your ziplock bag looks oh so familiar. We used to do that then gave up. We keep benedryl and suck in a glad container along with tylenol, etc. But I am totally stealing your pencil case idea. Not to mention the simple dose packages!!! :-D
I love the pencil case, that's brilliant! Thanks for the idea.
This is too funny!! I have the EXACT same pencil case from Wal-Mart. My little guy wants a case with a cartoon character on it but we'll have to wait and see what they have in the fall for back to school. But I just thought it was so funny we have the exact same one.
I didn't know about the Benadryl single dose packs. I am going to get some of those. The whole "bottle in a bag" thing gets old. Thanks for sharing that!!
I have the same zip lock - but love the pencil case. I will have to check out the BTS aisle at Target. I have been looking for the benedryl to go packs, stores are always sold out.:( I also finally had to break down and get a second set of Epi pens, one will stay in my diaper bag, but I like the idea of hanging the second one on the key hook for my husband.
Thanks for the tips!
Very cool idea. I like it. :)
We tucked one of my husband's business cards with our home and cell phone numbers on the back in the pack with the Epi. More than once a helpful stranger has called us when we've left it behind at a store or restaurant.
Love the pencil case idea. My 10 year old uses a fanny pack which has room for other treasures, but the pencil case would be great for the spare set. A big Halleluyah! for the single serving Benadryl packs. It's about time!
I just found myself searching your archives for this post because my son starts preschool in a week. Thanks so much for the great idea to carry the epipens, etc. I'm also glad you pointed out the strap to hang it with so you don't forget it- you're genious!
That's a great ideas to use a pencil case to hold everything! I'm 20 and have an allergy to nuts and asthma. I also use a pencil case or makeup bag to hold my Epipens, single dose benadryl like you have as well as an inhaler . I have to get a new case soon to fit everything, since I now have to carry eye drops and nasal spay for sesonal allergies. I found a really cool case on eBay that has my favorite band One Direction on it and I can get it personalized with my name on it. It has 2 large compartments so I can store everything I need in it. :) Great blog by the way! I always learn something new each time I go on it :)
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